Sunday, September 26, 2010

Final Thoughts - "The Year in 13 Months"

"The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means and the exercise of ordinary qualities. These may for the most part be summed in these two: common-sense and perseverance."

Owen Feltham

Final Thoughts

The Entertainment Business Masters Program was a very interesting, educational and a challenging experience. After a year of hard work, sleepless nights and sacrifice, all I can say is that it was worth every step of the way. There were times where I wanted to stop because of how everything in life becomes too much to handle, however, I did not give up because I knew that this was my future. One of the things that this program taught me was how to become stronger as a person because it made me dig a little deeper within myself to find that strength to persevere and step up to the challenges that life may bring.

From this program, I learned so many things from how to become a successful leader to how to put a business plan together. Each class having it’s own set of challenges that was always thrown at me giving me the opportunity to grow and improve as a person. All the instructors were helpful with some being more helpful than others. Despite all this however, each one of them taught me something new that made me more knowledgeable about the business and myself. I am thankful that I did this program and learned so much from my classmates and instructors. I’m glad I did this because I feel empowered to succeed and do great things in the industry.

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