Saturday, September 25, 2010

Month 9 - Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution - "The How to Publish and Distribute Your Own Business"


“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”

–Malcolm X


"America... an economic system prouder of the distribution of its products than of the products themselves."

-Murray Kempton

Class Reflection

Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution was a class that taught us student about the different forms of media publishing and the different mediums in which we can distribute our work. It was a class that really got us involve in learning about issues that affect media publishing and distribution such as piracy and social media. For the leadership project, we were to write a formal business strategy in which we can digitally self-publish, promote, distribute and merchandise our own work.

In writing my formal business strategy, I included sections such as a mission statement, executive summary, company description, product/service, manufacturing and distribution, marketing and promotions and a conclusion. I also described in details my marketing and promotions of my business in my business strategy which included my company website, print media, broadcast media, online advertising, advertising specialties, informal marketing and networking. In doing so I want for my company to be able to advertise itself and be able to distribute my company’s work worldwide without relying on a major firm to distribute and publish my work.

In doing this activity and taking the class I learned that knowing how to publish your own work and distribute it could help your business save so much money. Having the ability to publish your own work and distribute it also gives you more power and creativity to do more without having to rely on a major publishing firm or distribution company.

Leadership 6

My 6th leadership activity was the Gavert Atelier Salon Event called the “Mother’s Day On the Go Beauty Event.” This event was basically an event held at the Gavert Atelier Salon where stars enjoyed beauty treatments, cocktails and tunes by DJ Taryn Manning in the Beverly Hills salon. I got this gig because my friend was a publicist at Live Loyal PR whom sponsored and arranged this event. As one of the worker for the event, I assisted in helping set up for the event and making sure that gift bags were also given. However, the main job that I was given was to escort celebrities around the salon, give them a tour and tell them about the brand and products, and make sure that photographers got a picture of them. Some of the celebrities I escorted during the event were Naturi Newton and Rex Lee. I enjoyed this opportunity because of the fact that I was able to meet many celebrities and actually do a publicist job. Moreover, it allowed me to demonstrate my ability to communicate, practice social skills and network with different industry people.

2nd Annual Mother's Day Event - "On The Go Beauty" Pictures

Candance Cameron and her Daughter

Rex Lee from Entourage

Helena Mattson, Kayla Ewell and Naturi Newton


Tarynn Manning as the event DJ

Tarynn Manning

Me and Rex Lee (Lloyd from Entourage)

Me working the event. I'm in the picture, you just need to find me.

Bella Thorne from Big Love

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