Saturday, September 25, 2010

Month 11 - Mobile Marketing and Commerice - "The Power of the Mobile Phone"

“The mobile phone is the gateway to an individual.”

– Tom Davis, Kenneth Cole

Class Reflection

Mobile Marketing and Commerce was a class where it taught us students the ways in which we can utilize the mobile industry as a marketing media tool to advertise our company. For our leadership project, we had to conduct a survey in which we had to survey people consisting the following questions:

1. What is your occupation?

2. Sex and age?

3. Do you currently own a mobile device?

4. Who is the primary user of your cell phone? What do you look for in a cell phone?

5. What would you like your cell phone or mobile device to do that is not currently do?

6. Which cell phone features do you struggle with using and what improvements would you like to see?

7. How do you feel about mobile advertising overall?

8. How do you feel when you receive unsolicited advertising on your cell phone? What if it is a coupon or discount for a place where you are shopping?

9. What do you primarily use your mobile device for?

10. Why did you choose your provider? What are your reasons for staying with them?

In doing this survey the main purpose of it is to address how the participants of the survey utilize mobile technology and how the information can be used for AXL Entertainment’s business ventures. In gathering the answers for the questionnaire, opinions of each participant vary and interesting insights were provided in how consumers use mobile technology.

In analyzing the survey, a lot of things can be seen in how mobile phones play a vital role in people’s lives and how AXL Entertainment can use this information in order to apply it to it’s business plan. In looking through the information, one thing I learned that is very important is that most of the participants careless about mobile marketing because they find it very annoying and irrelevant to what they need. In addition to that, they ignore it because they receive so many that they either ignore it, or delete it. In learning about this information, AXL Entertainment plans to do three things that will separate us from competition and maximize our use of mobile marketing. The first thing that AXL Entertainment plans to do is to gather information on our target market so that this way we know what kind of marketing will work or will not work. In addition to that, it will also help us determine where to post our advertisements that will get the most visits and views by our consumers. This is an important step because of the fact that it can help with the next step in which AXL Entertainment will create an interactive and engaging advertisement so that people can get involve and participate in our campaigns. The reason why creating good content is important is because of the fact that survey participants state that most of the time they ignore mobile advertisement because it was either annoying, irrelevant or uninteresting. If AXL Entertainment can create good content for its mobile advertisements then it can bring in more people to participate in our campaign. Last but not least, AXL Entertainment will create a fast way for people to opt-in or opt-out in our advertising campaign. This way we are not intrusive and can garner more people to participate.

All in all, the different opinions of each subject provided insight in the consumer use of mobile technology. In addition to that, the leadership portfolio assignment proved to be useful and is something that can be utilized in AXL Entertainment’s marketing campaign. Moreover, the class itself empowered me with knowledge of how the mobile industry can impact my business and help it succeed.

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