Saturday, September 25, 2010

Month 10 - Internet Marketing and Web Search Opt - "The Power of the Internet"

Internet Marketing

“Today’s marketing success comes from self-publishing Web content that people want to share. It’s not about gimmicks. It’s not about paying an agency to interrupt others.”

- David Meerman Scott

Web search opt

“SEO is a marketing function for sure, but it needs to be baked into a product, not slapped on like icing after the cake is baked.”

- Duane Forrester

Class Reflection

Internet Marketing and Web Search Opt was an interesting class because it taught us how we can maximize the search of our business online and market it successful online too. It was a class where we were taught how to strategize and develop successful marketing for our business so that we’re able to compete in the industry. For our leadership project, we had to write an article for the class blog, which demonstrates your professionalism, experience and expertise. The article we had to write can be on any topic related to digital media and the entertainment industry. Moreover we had to post it to the class blog.

In doing my the leadership project, I wrote the article written below:


Throughout history, the way information has been managed, shared and retrieved has tremendously improved a lot. In the past, information was sent and received through word of mouth, and documented on print such as newspapers and books. Then as time pass by technology has involved in a way in which it allowed information to be spread through ways such as the radio and television. In the last few years when the Internet came a long, the way information was distributed, organized, and stored has revolutionized the way in which people can access information. It raises questions of whether the Internet has diminished our ability to think critically or are we more informed than previous generations or possibly both? In looking in how the Internet has affected society, it can be seen that there is two sides to this argument.

In one hand of this argument, people argue that the Internet in some way has diminished our ability to think critically because of the fact that it distracts people from their main focus and limits their ability to concentrate. The reason why they argue this is because of the fact that there is so much information available on the Internet that one can access them really quickly at any time. Most of the time, the information on the web is for entertainment and social purposes. Some examples of these kinds of entertainment and social sites are Facebook, Myspace, Hulu, and Twitter. This concern is understandable because sometimes when people do work, they can easily be sucked into another website totally irrelevant to what their doing, hence slowing their progress down with their work. In an interview with Maggie Jackson written by Brandon Keim at titled, Digital Overload is Frying Our Brains, Ms. Jackson points out that when one gets on the Internet and gets distracted, “ The degree of interruption is correlated with stress and frustration and lowered creativity.” Meaning that when we get on the Internet and don’t focus, we have less focus, which in turn affects how we think creatively, and critically.

On the other hand, the Internet has really revolutionized in how we all obtain information. In an article written by Steven Pinker titled, Mind Over Mass Media, he points out that, “The Internet and informational technologies are helping us manage, search and retrieve our collective intellectual output at different scales, from Twitter and previews to e-books and online encyclopedias.” In which it proves that the Internet is not making us stupid or lazy in a way, but instead makes us smarter and progressive. In a way, the Internet allows us to take inspiration from others and use it to create new ideas. Similarly, the Internet has allowed us to spread news fast so that news of events, and very important information are distributed to people right away. Like for example there are websites like, and that provide news that people need to know to keep inform of what’s happening in the world around them. In which in a way helps people keep informed and prevent them to becoming ignorant. If it weren’t for the Internet and news sites we wouldn’t know anything about the presidential campaign, or about latest happenings like the BP Oil Spill.

All in all, the Internet is a very useful tool that allows us to manage, share, and retrieve information. In my opinion, I think that the Internet has really helped us become smart and move forward as a society. However, the way a person utilizes the power of the Internet is the factor that determines whether or not it’s beneficial to them or harmful.


Pinker, Steven. (2010, June 10). Mind over mass media. Retrieved from

Keim, BRandon. (2009, February 06). Digital overload is frying our brains. Retrieved from

About the Author:

Amron Lopez is a filmmaker currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He graduated from Full Sail University with Bachelors in Film. He currently is pursuing his Masters in Entertainment Business and actively interning at various entertainment companies to further his knowledge of the entertainment industry. You can view Amron’s blog on and follow him on Twitter,

In doing this class and leadership assignment, I learned so much about how to create a website and maximizing the online search of my business and marketing it. I learned strategies and ways in which I can make my business productive online. Furthermore, this class gave me a deeper understanding of the internet can have an impact on any business endeavor.

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