Saturday, September 25, 2010

Month 6 - Negotiation and Deal Making


"In business, you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate."

- Chester L. Karrass

Deal Making

"The art of deal is simple. You have to do the best for your client but at the same time you don't want to upset the person on the other side. After all, deal is just the first step."

- Mark Markson

Class Reflection

Negotiation and Deal Making was another class that I found very interesting because of the fact that it applied to the career I wanted to take up as either a Motion Picture Talent Agent or Talent Manager. For our leadership project, we were given two options and the option I chose was to go negotiate outside of class by creating a situation in which it relates to my future career plans, and then write a 2 to 4 page paper about my experience and write about what I learned about myself and about negotiating.

For this assignment I decided to negotiate with a colleague named Tom Keeling because he’s a producer’s assistant at Parks McDonald Company. The reason why I chose him is because of the fact that he wants to be a producer and I wanted to be an agent. In addition to that I chose this assignment because Agents and Producers play an important role in the Entertainment Industry. When making a movie, one of the things that need to be negotiated is how much actors are going to get paid in doing the film. In this kind of negotiation, a producer and an agent will negotiate and make a deal with each other in terms of how much money an actor will get for filming the movie and the terms of the contract.

For the negotiation situation we did, I negotiated as an agent with producer Tom Keeling the contract and pay of one of the actors I manage in the movie he is producing. In negotiation my goal is to make sure that I get the asking amount that my talent wants and make sure that there is no irregularity in our agreements. In addition to that we are also negotiating the accommodations for my actor while filming the movie and the promotional activities that the actor is required to do.

The negotiation overall went fairly well. When we first started, I began by first welcoming and thanking him for taking time to do this meeting. After that we began by first discussing the price amount that my actor wants for starring in his film. We had a disagreement in this part because my client wants two million to star in this film and Tom was only offering five hundred thousand, which was not enough. I explained to Tom that my client’s value is high because of the fact that he has previously starred in high paying movies before and is one of Hollywood’s fast rising stars. Tom in return stated that it was an independent film and that it was low budget that he can only offer five hundred thousand. He stated that the director and the actor insisted on working together in this project and that he’s just trying to work it out. I understand the predicament he was in and we started collaborating on other possible solutions. After a long discussion, we ended up making a deal where my actor gets five hundred thousand dollars for making this film and in addition to that a 7% cut of the film’s overall gross profit. After settling the amount my client receives for making the film, we went over the contract. In addition to that also discussed about the accommodations my actor will get while filming this movie such as a lodging while filming on location, travel expenses, and food. This part went smoothly and no disagreement had occurred. Likewise, when I asked about what he needed from my actor when it comes to promoting the film, we didn’t disagree in anything and all I asked was that we include accommodations for the actor too if he was to promote the film outside of the US. This also went smoothly and no disagreements occurred. In the end of the negotiation we went over the contract agreement and double-checked that we were on the same page. After that we summed it all up and finalized the deal.

In taking this class and doing the leadership assignment, I learned a lot about negotiating and how to make deals. I learned that negotiation is something that takes knowledge and great communication, and strategizing skills in order to do. It’s something that takes time to practice and develop. The leadership assignment negotiation I did made me realize that when you do careful research/preparation, control your emotions, and keep in mind the five core concerns, that you can have a successful negotiation. In addition to that, assignment taught me that negotiation is a two way street and that it’s not only about you but also the other person you are negotiating with. It made me see that negotiation is not a battle between two people but a team effort to reach a collaborative solution to a problem. Last but not least, I learned that negotiation is something that is very important to develop because it’s something that is useful in every aspect of our lives.

Leadership 4

The fourth leadership activity I did was with ICM. During the past month, my internship with Revelations Entertainment ended and I had to look for a new internship. I interviewed for a couple places and ICM was one of the two places that hired me. Just for background information, ICM is a major talent and literary full service agency that represents creative and technical talent in the fields of motion pictures, television, music, publishing, live performance, branded entertainment and new media.

In working at ICM, I found myself surrounded by people in the industry who deal with big names in Hollywood. I also found out that some of our clients included Megan Fox, Ellen Degeneres, Zoe Saldana and Mickey Rourke, just to name a few. As one of the interns, I was hired to work in the Global Branded Entertainment, and my job was to help out the assistants in the office and help with project initiatives they were doing. During my first month there, I worked hard and helped a lot in project initiatives. In addition to that, I was always putting together presentations for them and research. Then after 3 weeks, the department coordinator, Sally wanted to speak with me because she wanted to discuss about my work ethics. She said that she was impressed because of the fact that I always took initiative, worked hard, and rose above the situation compared to the other interns, that she wanted to ask me if I wanted to intern as an Agent’s assistant. The reason being was because April Tomb’s who was one of the main Branding agents didn’t have an assistant and wanted an intern to help her out with project initiatives and be her intern assistant. Sally was asked to choose an intern and she chose me because of my potential. I was so surprise because I didn’t expect that and I only been there for a couple of weeks. In the end of that conversation, I said yes to the offer and from then on I was April’s intern assistant who helped her out. Though, this may not appear like a leadership position, the fact that I displayed leadership skills and characteristics such as working hard, taking initiative and rising to the occasion showed to them that I had potential and rewarded me with a promotion.

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